"Big data" is a term to describe data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing strategies are inadequate. As continued advancements in biomedical technologies generate an increasing amount of patient data, administration of patient-centered care will depend, in part, on the ability to harness relevant insights from this data. Using clinical and other health data to understand disease and wellness, as well as the best treatment and prevention options for individual patients, is critical for improving care. Thus, managing, analyzing, and leveraging data generated across the cancer continuum has the potential to advance cancer knowledge and improve patient care.
To accelerate these efforts by aiming to train a new generation of scientists and engineers that will utilize big data science to develop innovative methods for improving health care, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are recruiting fellows for the Big Data Scientist Training Enhancement Program (BD-STEP). The goal is to increase capacity for data-driven cancer research by supporting healthcare-focused data science training. Incorporating big data and next-generation analytics into clinical and health research/practice will require not only new data sources but also new thinking, training, and tools. Adequately used, these reservoirs of data can be a practically inexhaustible source of knowledge to fuel a learning health care system.
The primary goal of BD-STEP is to develop a next generation of researchers who will be capable of using large clinical and research data sets to efficiently and effectively advance cancer research. BD-STEP will draw on the expertise of these highly skilled data scientists-in-training to facilitate the execution of large-scale system changes in clinical care to expeditiously improve patient outcomes. BD-STEP matches trainees with VA medical centers across the country to leverage VA data systems, supporting clinically-relevant, training and research opportunities in collaboration with VA clinician scientists.
BD-STEP represents a unique strategic partnership between the VHA and the NCI’s Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives (CSSI).
To learn more about this fellowship opportunity, go to NOT-CA-19-034.
To learn more about the BD-STEP Training Program, go to BD-STEP.