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Multi-Omics Data Integration Special Issue Features Research from CPTAC Investigators

The Journal of Molecular & Cellular Proteomics has released Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Special Issue Multi-Omics Data Integration Covera special issue this month (August 2019) on Multi-Omics Integration.  The issue sets out to show how multi-omics research is integral to the understanding of biological systems.  It touts work from several of our CPTAC investigators who share their cutting-edge proteogenomics research with the scientific community.

The issue begins with a current overview of the field of multi-omics, its limitations and its future directions.  It also includes articles that examine new methods and tools for studying multi-omic associations, new methods to analyze biological pathways using a multi-omics approach, and a look at proteogenomically-driven interpretation of mass spectrometry data.  The issue concludes discussing the need for scientific transparency and reproducibility, co-authored by our CPTAC investigators.

We are proud of all our investigators that have published their work in this special issue.  CPTAC shares their passion for disseminating multi-omics resources to the research community. The CPTAC program is an important part of the effort to accelerate precision medicine through proteogenomics, and is committed to supporting high quality, standardized proteogenomic data that is freely available to the scientific community.  Follow us on Twitter @NCI_CSSI