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New Proteogenomic Data Release for CPTAC Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Discovery Study!

Announcing our newest data release for the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LSCC) Discovery study! Because LSCC accounts for about 30% of all lung cancers and has a ~20% 5-year survival rate, it’s imperative that cancer researchers learn more about the biology of this disease to find more effective treatments. CPTAC investigators have led this charge by examining tumor and normal adjacent tissue from 108 LSCC patients using multi-omics. This comprehensive data release provides proteomic, genomic and histologic data generated by CPTAC leaders in the field of proteogenomic science and includes ubiquitylation data for the first time in a proteogenomics dataset!  It is available to the public through 3 online resources for use:

CPTAC has also developed even more freely available resources (data and reagents) from our large-scale proteogenomic studies of various cancer types, with more to come.  Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Discovery Data Embargo Period: December 1, 2021